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Meeting point/Treffpunkt/Point de Rencontre

This page will be dedicated to help searching for names of family members and old friends and acquintances and bring them back together.


Auf dieser Seite werden gewidmet werden, um zu helfen, die Suche nach Namen von Familienmitgliedern und alten Freunden und bekannte und bringen sie wieder zusammen.


Cette page sera consacrée à aider à la recherche des noms de membres de la familles, et d'anciens amis et de connaissances, afin de les aider à se retrouver. les ramener ensemble.


Throughout my work with my book, I came across many persons (especially those of the younger generation) who - for various reasons - lost contact with family members and friends, others who wish to reconnect with old neighbors and friends. They are scatered between Switzerland and Egypt and sometimes in a third country, one thing in common though is that they all shared the wish of knowing the where about of their lost friends and relatives.


We can use this page to serve this purpose, please place your inquiry below and hopefully you will receive a positive reply.

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